SEO Funnel | Attract-Engage-Convert More Traffic

Editor / February 1, 2024

To help customers find their way across your website, you must first understand how they navigate the internet world to comprehend the SEO funnel. In essence, SEO funnels assist marketers in visualising the stages that prospective buyers go through before making a purchase. If you can connect with the funnel of SEO, you will be in a secure position where clients leave you as they approach the end. It also serves as a useful metaphor for the reduction in choice that people make when contrasting rivals. It functions similarly to a slide and aids with website visibility.

In this guide, we shed light on what exactly an SEO funnel is, steps that optimize ranking performance, key components, stages, tips to optimize funnel SEO, essential metrics to monitor the funnel SEO and more. Let’s take a deep dive into the topic.

What Is SEO Funnel?

The process a visitor takes on a website is outlined in the concept of an SEO funnel. It is analogous to a real-world funnel in which items begin to cling to the top and constrict from there. A website is found by a huge number of visitors at the beginning of this. A portion of the visitors drop off as they proceed down the funnel, and only a select handful make it to the bottom, frequently taking a big action.

An SEO funnel refers to the process of optimizing a website or online content to attract and convert visitors through search engine results. The term “funnel” is used to illustrate the journey that users take from initially discovering a website through a search engine to ultimately becoming a customer or taking a desired action.

5 Steps of Successfully Obtaining SEO Funnel:

Here, we need to comprehend 5 steps of the funnel SEO which is the most important process of knowing everything about SEO. 

1. Crawl

You must know that when a content rank or searchers find it, search engines locate it before by crawling process. Discovering or crawling links, Google-bot typically use two main methods that are most useful;

  • To locate newly updated pages, click on links from well-known pages.
  • They access a sitemap, which is a list of pages that the owner of the website submits to Google.

Crawling is that process where you can also ask Google to crawl your web pages by submitting it through the URL inspection tool in the Google search console. But you need to keep in mind that there are some conditions present on crawling the content. The crawling limit is determined by crawl health and this is set by the Google search console, also this is the combination of a site’s popularity and staleness.    

2. Render

Similar to crawling, search engines’ capacity to render content is limited. What is meant by that? They also have a render budget, you guessed it.

This is known by Google as their “second wave of indexing.” They index the HTML of a page by crawling it without running any JavaScript. They then render the page and index that version as soon as rendering resources are made available.

However, as of right now, Google still indexes webpages using JavaScript in two stages, so any material or links that you load using JavaScript may initially be missed.

3. Index

When search engines like Google, find your page and generate their content effectively, they can go to the indexing process. You might think of the index as the place where search engines organise and store the stuff they find.

We monitor vital indications, such as keywords and website freshness, and we keep track of it all in the Search index, claims Google.

A page is prepared to be provided as a response to pertinent searches when search engines locate it (crawl), render it (load), and store and organise it (index).

4. Rank

The goal is to make sure your important content is crawled, rendered, and indexed so searchers can find it. When someone searches for a word or a phrase on Google, Bing, or other major international search engines, the search engine will return results ranked in order of relevance.

But just because your page deserves to rank doesn’t mean it will. So how can SEO professionals and the brands they work for ensure that their audience is finding their important content?

We recommend the following:

  • Know how your audience is searching — Google gives you access to the actual words and phrases searchers are using to find content like yours and what’s trending or trending down.
  • Map each URL to its keyword — see what queries each of your pages are showing for. Use that information to make sure your page is a strong answer to that question!

5. Convert

After your content appears highly for its most important queries, you want users to click. Additionally, you want those visitors to convert—to do what you want them to do.

Whichever way your website generates revenue for your company—whether it’s through e-commerce purchases, lead creation from form fills, or traffic and subscriptions from publishers—you want the search engine rankings that arise from your SEO efforts to support that goal.

Your bottom line can undoubtedly benefit from the organic traffic that your SEO efforts bring in, but how can you tell which of your efforts led to what outcomes?

5 Stages Of The SEO Funnel | You Need To Know

The SEO funnel typically consists of several stages, here we discuss:

1. Awareness:

At the top of the funnel, search engine results introduce people to a website or its content. This entails making sure your material is visible in search engine results, crafting captivating meta titles and descriptions, and optimising it for relevant keywords.

2. Interest:

Getting people interested in the website is the aim after they become aware of it. This could entail delivering insightful and pertinent material, enhancing user experience, and promoting more site exploration.

3. Consideration:

During this phase, people are thinking about the products or data the website has to offer. SEO activities can include demonstrating competence, establishing credibility via endorsements or reviews, and successfully responding to user inquiries.

4. Intent:

At this point, users are well aware of what they want to do, be it buy something, sign up for a service, or do anything else. This goal must be supported by the website’s user-friendly navigation, obvious calls to action, and a quick conversion process.

5. Conversion

Users complete the intended action, like making a purchase, completing a form, or subscribing, during the conversion stage. Here, SEO efforts are focused on getting rid of everything that could check the conversion process.

Key Features Of The SEO Funnel

The SEO funnel comprises several key components, each focusing on different stages of the user’s journey from initial awareness to conversion. Here are the key components of the SEO funnel:

1. Keyword Research and Targeting:

Select terms that are relevant to your business, products, or services. Employ a blend of transactional and instructive keywords to attract visitors at various stages of the sales funnel.

2. On-Page Optimization:

Make sure that header tags, meta descriptions, and titles are optimised for both users and search engines. Make sure your material is valuable, of the finest quality, and organised so that search engines and users can easily learn it.

3. Content Creation and Marketing:

Providing educational content that speaks to the needs and concerns of users. Use a content marketing plan to share and advertise content and increase website traffic.

4. Technical SEO:

Improve the overall performance, mobile friendliness, and speed of your website. To help search engine crawlers, implement canonical tags, construct an XML sitemap, and employ suitable URL architectures.

5. Link Building:

Gaining relevant and high-quality inbound links will help you create a robust and diverse backlink profile. Put your attention on organic link-building techniques to raise the website’s authority among search engines.

6. Analyses and Observation:

Install and use technologies such as Google Analytics to monitor user activity, website traffic, and conversion rates.

7. Social Media Integration:

To improve brand visibility and content distribution, integrate social media platforms. Utilise social media signals since they have an indirect effect on search engine rankings.

Tips To Optimize SEO Funnel 

Optimizing your SEO funnel involves refining each stage to enhance user experience, increase visibility, and drive conversions. Here are some tips to optimize your funnel SEO:

Comprehensive Keyword Research:

Regularly update and expand your keyword list to align with user intent. Prioritize long-tail keywords for more specific and targeted traffic.

High-Quality Content:

Create in-depth, valuable, and shareable content that addresses user queries. Diversify content types, including blog posts, infographics, videos, and interactive content.

Earn High-Quality Backlinks:

Prioritise obtaining organic, reputable backlinks via outreach and high-quality content. Keep an eye on and remove harmful backlinks to keep your link profile in good shape.

Enhance User Experience:

Make site structure and navigation better for a smoother user experience. Improve the speed at which pages load and lower bounce rates by making your website run better overall.

Social Media Engagement:

Share and promote your content on social media platforms. Encourage social sharing and engagement to increase brand visibility and indirectly impact SEO.

Regular SEO Audits:

Conduct regular SEO audits to identify and address any issues affecting your website’s performance. Stay updated on algorithm changes and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Essential Metrics For Monitoring SEO Funnel

Monitoring the performance of your SEO funnel involves tracking various metrics to assess the effectiveness of your strategies at different stages. Here are essential metrics for monitoring the SEO funnel:

Organic Traffic:

  • Track the overall number of visitors coming to your site through organic search.
  • Monitor trends and spikes in organic traffic over time.

Keyword Rankings:

  • Keep an eye on your website’s rankings for target keywords.
  • Monitor both improvements and declines in keyword positions.

Bounce Rate:

  • Monitor the percentage of visitors that depart from your website after seeing just one page.
  • Ascertain the pages with the highest bounce rate and enhance user engagement on those pages.

Conversion rate :

  • Determine the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action (completing a form, buying something, etc.).
  • To assess the impact of optimisations, monitor changes in conversion rates.

Page load time:

  • Watch how long it takes for your pages to load.
  • To speed up load times, make use of content delivery networks, browser caching, and image optimisation.

Backlink profile:

Page Authority and Domain Authority:

  • Use tools like Moz or Ahrefs to track the authority of your pages and overall domain.
  • Aim to improve authority over time through high-quality content and backlink acquisition.

Mobile-Friendly Metrics:

  • Assess the mobile-friendliness of your site using tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.
  • Track mobile traffic, bounce rates, and conversions separately.

SEO Sales Funnel Best Practices

Here are some of the best practices you can apply to your SEO sales funnel techniques to increase your conversion rate.

Verify Who Your Target Audience Is

Your audience can be divided into groups based on their interests, gender, age, and region. You will use these many categories as a guide when you design and create your content. These will also assist you in avoiding mistakes, such as using language that is inappropriate for your culture.

It is simpler to come up with a theme and organise your content when you are aware of your target audience. By doing this, you may make your target audience more receptive to your message and increase the likelihood that they will reply.

Consistent Branding

As mentioned, there are various stages in the SEO sales funnel. The audience is meant to be guided by the sales funnel from awareness to a successful conversion. You have to maintain constant branding across all channels during each of these phases. Making sure that your company’s or organization’s image and all of its values are maintained throughout all marketing platforms is known as consistent branding.

Be Specific

Your material should address clients’ questions or issues in a clear, truthful manner. The majority of your clients don’t have the time to read long, repetitive content because of all of your competitors.


Gaining a grasp of the SEO funnel can help you succeed online. Start at the top, enthral your audience, grab their interest, and eventually convert them into buyers. The trip takes time, but the rewards are great: more customers, higher search engine ranks, and company growth.

When you’re ready to take your SEO efforts to the next level, use OutreachMonks. Our experienced team is here to help you accomplish your goals and navigate the funnel SEO. To funnelling, cheers.

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